Sunday, January 18, 2009

Long weekends...

Half day of school on Thursday, no school on Friday or Monday...what can we do with all those days off? Get things put away and declutter of course!!

Dad took the 'photo studio' up to the classy pet resort and vet clinic in Boca hoping to drum up some photography work...hope things work out as this is our normal slow time for any work each year, but now with the economy the way it's a bad time for any of us!

My son Mark spent the entire day yesterday at our friends house down the street helping them redo their sons bedroom and switching out his bedroom funiture and then was invited for a sleep-over...haven't heard from him yet today...I know he is having a good time eating at their house because she cooks good food all the time and invites us all the time over for 'food'! yummm...we love her cooking!

My daughter is watching Madagascar for the 3rd time, I hear her singing the songs with more clarity each time...she laughs out loud over certain scenes..she loves this movie! Time to get her outside on the trampoline or playing hop-scotch or something to get her body "movin movin" the song says!! for me and what to do over the long weekend? I am still putting "things away" from the Holidays! Being out of State the entire first week in Jan has put me behind in cleaning up after the Holidays! I am still sorting out and repacking the Christmas decorations for next year...purging decorations that I just don't need to store all year long anymore! Amazing how much 'pretty stuff' we collect over the years all in the name of decorating for the Holidays! I have a tiny house with too much stuff! My husband would love for me to get rid of everything...but I can't...I won't...and I don't need to...but I do need to cut down and keep only what we really need. So I am trying...trying to get rid of the excess stuff that is too much to store anymore. I am feeling good about what I have accomplished so far but know I still have alot to do with continuing to purge and cut down on collecting. Please someone give me some praise for what has been accomplished so didn't happen overnight or during a long is years of 'collecting'...yes it's a big job! I am determined to accomplish alot of purging of 'stuff' this year...if that sounds like a resolution..than so be's a good one for me!

There is a chill in the air (65 degrees) which makes it great to turn off our AC and cut down on our electric bill this time of year...letting the fresh air in and in the mood for SPRING CLEANING early! ...or would that be called WINTER it because its the beginning of a New Year? need to tackle those PAPER PILES!! I need to redo my entire office space that is overflowing again...I never got that bookcase that we were looking at 2 months ago...I need to get organized and declutter so I can think again with fresh ideas!

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