Sunday, February 08, 2009

Little Girls & Birthday Parties!

Little Girls & Birthday Parties!

Mariah was invited to a Birthday Party of one of her classmates yesterday. No big deal...but it IS A BIG DEAL! There was about 20 girls there, all are Mariah's classmates either they are in Mariah's GENERAL EDUCATION CLASSROOM or attend the AFTER SCHOOL CARE Program with Mariah. Mariah is PART of both those "groups" and is INCLUDED with her peers in school and out of school.

We arrived to the party ready to celebrate and have fun and 'do make-up and paint nails' as the theme was for the party was for all the girls to have a SPA DAY! Everyone is between the age of 8-10 years old. When we walked in everyone shouted, "MARIAH!" ...that made my little girl feel very WELCOMED for sure and it gave me a happy feeling to know that Mariah is really part of this nice little CIRCLE OF FRIENDS!One little girl quickly came up to her and took her hand and directed her to come sit at the table and asked her if she wanted to put on some make-up! Mariah was so willing to have everyone make a 'fuss over her', several started helping her with 'hair and make-up'! They used pink and blue HAIR CRAYONS to create streaks of fun hair colors in their hair! It was obvious to me to see that she truly does have girlfriends that help her be part of what everyone else is doing.

Mariah seems to be the 'quiet one' of the group, going along with what the others are doing, but seems to need a little extra encouragement to fully participate in what everyone else is doing. She can be content to sit back and watch or to lag behind the others and do her own thing...especially if the TV has SPONGEBOB on...I saw her sitting in front of the HUGE SCREEN TV-with bigger than life Sponge Bob on so I tried to get her to go back outside to be with the others, but Mariah was content to watch TV...because it was on! ugggghh

The party had all sorts of 'stations' for doing things...the NAIL SALON was in the living room with loads of different colored nail polishes displayed on the coffee table. The JEWELRY store was on another table along side the hallway wall, where they could pick out all sorts of beaded necklaces, earrings, pins and bracelets to wear. There was a rack of CUTE PROM DRESSES and DANCEWARE to try on and wear during the party. Hannah Montana was there! a stand up cardboard cutout where they could have their picture taken standing next to her! This was part of the goodie treat to take home...a picture was taken to go into a little Hannah Montana picture frame that was included in the Hannah Montana little goodie purse filled with all sorts of surprises.The Birthday song was sung, the cake was cut and eaten...they were all served some BUBBLY in plastic Champange glasses...this was of course Sparkling Apple Cider!

The presents were opened with everyone oohing and ahhing what the Birthday girl had received from everyone! Oh my the elegance and the girlie-girl SPA treatment they all experienced today! The GROUP PHOTO was taken in the backyard with everyone all dressed up and 'made-up' with their nail polish and jewelry on...everyone had a great time and showed true friendships towards each other...INCLUDING my little girl!

Today at this little Birthday Party the TRUE MEANING OF INCLUSION was happening naturally!This is WHY Inclusion in the classrooms has to happen...everyone wants to be accepted and liked...and of course INVITED TO THE BIRTHDAY PARTIES!

Thank you Kylee for inviting Mariah to your 9th Birthday Party, you will never know how important it is for her and how much it means to me as Mariah's mom that people like you ACCEPT Mariah into your CIRCLE OF FRIENDS! I am so happy you all like her and help her be part of the group! Everyone needs and wants friends!...and that includes those that are a little 'different'!

It was a FUN DAY!