Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's and classmates...She saw them two weeks ago when they first 'hit the market'...the newest and the coolest Valentine's to pass out in class! I didn't want to buy them then...but who could resist her pleas for them...NOW!!! "Pleasezzzz mom" ..."Sponge Bob mom..."

I think I said no a couple of times and even put them back up on the shelf where they were displayed, but everytime they found their way back into our shopping cart. Mariah just wasn't going to take no for an answer so easy this time. She wanted those and only those and she just had to have them the week they came out! Ok..ok..we can get them! Oh my goodness the HAPPY look on her face, the joy she had in my letting her get them NOW...why did I even think we didn't need to get them NOW..what was I thinking?!
It was such a little thing that MADE HER DAY! She was so excited to carry the bag that held them to the car. In the car she could only think of giving them to ALL HER FRIENDS at school! Valentine's Day was two weeks away, way to early to need to sign her name to all 21 of them! I put them in a special place so she could see the box everyday for the whole 2 weeks just waiting till it was time to write her name on each of them. The list of names from her class came home right around that time too. I put that nice list of names that was all neatly done so she could copy each and everyone of her friends names onto her new Sponge Bob Valentine's. Do you know that wonderful list of names could be nowhere to be found on the eve of Valentine's Day!

At Brownies tonight everyone made Valentine's Day cards and decorated colored paper with all sorts of goodies that Ms. Tina brought to the meeting for the girls to work on. Gotta remember Girl Scout COOKIE money was VERY IMPORTANT to get counted up and everyone to turned in their money tonight, as GS Council needs to be paid for all the cookies soon!

When we got home and ate a Turkey burger with cheese and a glass of iced tea, it was time to open the box of those Sponge Bob Squarepants Valentine's and finally put her name on them and 'set them up'. They are the folded kind that holds an individual CRABBY PATTY! Yummmmmmy!!

Valentine's Day is probably Mariah's most favorite day of the year! She loves thinking of all her friends and looking forward to the time she is able to share giving out and receiving all those colorful and yummy sugary sweets from everyone! She LOVES to LOVE!!!...and she LOVES her FRIENDS! One can never have too many friends!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

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